Jul 26, 2022
2021/22 Brazil Safrinha Corn 63.4% Harvested, Yields Variable
Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.
The safrinha corn in Brazil was 63.4% harvested as of late last week compared to 44.3% last year and 57% average according to Patria. This represents an advance of 10% for the week. The safrinha corn in Mato Grosso is 94% harvested and in Parana, the corn is 30% harvested.
Mato Grosso - The safrinha corn in Mato Grosso was 94% harvested as of late last week compared to 73% last year and 82% average. This represents an advance of 8.7% for the week. The rapid pace of the corn harvesting is worsening the lack of storage space forcing much of the corn to be stored in open-air piles. Below is a graph from the Mato Grosso Institute of Agricultural Economics (Imea) showing the safrinha corn harvest pace (red line).
Parana - The safrinha corn in Parana was 30% harvested as of earlier last week according to the Department of Rural Economics (Deral). This represents an advance of 10% for the week. The remaining corn crop is rated 7% poor, 21% average, and 72% good.
The wheat planting in Parana is complete with 5% rated average and 95% rated good. The wheat was planted within the acceptable window. The wheat in northern Parana could use a rain, while the wheat in southern Parana is doing fine.
Goias - The safrinha corn harvest in Goias is now 60% complete. The Institute for Strengthening Agriculture and Livestock in Goias (Ifag) started the 2021/22 growing season estimating that Goias would produce 11 million tons of soybeans. In their latest estimate, they are now estimating the soybean production at 8.3 million tons, or down 25% from initial expectations.
The lower production is the result of dry weather during April and May and a severe infestation of corn leafhoppers that spread the virus causing corn stunting. Farmers in the state have sold approximately 35% of their corn. They have been slow sellers because of the decline in the corn price that was R$ 80 per sack at the start of the season (approximately $7.00 per bushel) and now it is in the range of R$ 68 per sack (approximately 5.95 per bushel).
In the municipality of Jatai in southwestern Goias farmers have harvested 60% of their safrinha corn with yields below expectations and below last year. The president of the Rural Union of Jatai/GO estimates the average yield in the municipality will be 80 sacks per hectare (76 bu/ac) compared to 90 sacks per hectare last year (86 bu/ac). In some extreme cases, farmers who expected to produce 130 sacks per hectare (124 bu/ac) ended up with yields as low as 40-50 sacks per hectare (38-48 bu/ac). The problem was dry weather that started in April and a severe infestation of corn leafhoppers that caused corn stunting.
Minas Gerais - In the municipality of Paracatu in western Minas Gerais, the safrinha corn was hit by 30 days of dry weather at pollination, which resulted in very disappointing corn yields. According to local farmers, areas that normally would produce 100 to 120 sacks of corn per hectare (95 to 114 bu/ac) ended up with corn yields in the range of 40 to 50 sacks per hectare (38 to 48 bu/ac). Once again, the problem was dry weather and corn leafhoppers.