Jan 24, 2023
Brazil's Safrinha Corn 1% Planted
Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.
The safrinha corn crop in Brazil is just beginning to be planted. Wet weather in central Brazil has slowed the initial soybean harvest, which in turn, has slowed the start of the safrinha planting. The 2022/23 safrinha corn is 1% planted compared to 5.4% last year according to AgRural.
Mato Grosso - The safrinha corn in Mato Grosso was 2.2% planted late last week compared to 9.8% last year and 7.4% average. This represents an advance of 1.8% for the week. The fastest planting pace is in northern Mato Grosso where the soybean harvest is most advanced as well.
Planting safrinha corn in Mato Grosso.
Several months ago, Imea estimated that 98% of the safrinha corn in Mato Grosso would be planted within the ideal planting window which closes about the third week of February but given the tepid start to planting and the forecast for more wet weather, it may be hard to reach that goal. Once the weather starts cooperating, the soybean harvest and the safrinha corn planting can proceed at a rapid pace - see the picture above of corn planting in Mato Grosso.
The graph below from the Mato Grosso Institute of Agricultural Economics (Imea) shows the 2022/23 safrinha corn planting progress in Mato Grosso (red line).
Parana - According to the Department of Rural Economics (Deral), farmers in Parana had planted 1% of the safrinha corn as of earlier last week, which is slightly slower than normal. Last year at this time, farmers had planted 2% of their safrinha corn. Historically, approximately 6% of the safrinha corn is planted during the month of January.