Sep 22, 2023

Record Temperatures Impacting Central Brazil

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

Most farmers in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso are waiting for improved soil moisture before they start planting their 2023/24 soybeans. Unfortunately, the near-term forecast is calling for record high temperatures and very little rainfall. As of late last week, the soybeans in the state were 0.5% planted.

September is normally one of the hottest times of the year in central Brazil, but the current heat wave in central Brazil is poised to set records. The meteorological firm Climatempo is forecasting high temperatures above 40°C (104°F) across central Brazil with the highest temperatures expected on Saturday. The high temperature for isolated areas of Mato Grosso do Sul could reach 46°C on Saturday (115°F).

Farmers in central Brazil are being warned not to plant their soybeans if they have not received enough rainfall to ensure germination and stand establishment. With these extremely high temperatures, newly emerged soybeans could quickly die forcing the farmer to replant.

In contrast to central Brazil, the southernmost state of Rio Grande do Sul if forecasted to receive more heavy rain. The state has been inundated with heavy rain for the last several weeks resulting in severe flooding and widespread damage. Rio Grande do Sul is the third leading soybean producing state in Brazil after Mato Grosso and Parana.

The conditions in Parana have been suitable for soybean planting and as of earlier this week, 6% of the 2023/24 soybeans had been planted. The soybean planting progress in Parana trails only 2018 when 9% of the soybeans had been planted by this date.